Friday, January 7, 2011

Ward Christmas Party

Our ward Christmas party on December 1st was a fun one for the kids. They all got to meet Santa and do some games and crafts before the rest of the ward arrived later for supper and a program.

Megan, all set to head out to her first Christmas party.

Megan and Caleb

Dallin and Caleb with Santa. Dallin declared that he was a believer this year, "but only for this year", he told us. Better safe than sorry. Nothing to lose by believing! Caleb's still playing it cool.

Taylor and Megan with Santa

Megan and her cousin, Teren, pose with Santa for the cutest photo of the night.

Taylor knew that his cousins, Elania and Brayden, are firm believers in Santa and so was very enthusiastically playing it up for them while waiting in line. Caleb had a different solution: "We won't tell them that Santa isn't real. We will just tell them that Santa is fake." I can't believe I've raised such a kill-joy three-year-old!

Caleb, the non-believer, works on his Christmas craft.

Caleb, Elania and Brayden

Taylor joins in to help.

Caleb went a little overboard on the stickers on his Christmas card. I think there were three or four layers at least.

Taylor shows off his finished card.


  1. wow...I can't believe how much your kids are growing up! So glad you have this blog so I can keep tabs! :)
